At River Gum Primary School we host a number of events throughout the year. The objective is to build relationships between our staff, students and families with a keen focus on achievement, wellbeing and engagement.
These include, but are not limited to the following events:The Student Leadership & Voice Team is a group of children elected by their classroom peers. Children are encouraged to speak out and give their opinions and ideas about their learning and how they would like to learn. The team works to action the requests of their peers, to encourage all children to feel engaged within their learning and connected to their school community.
Whole School Approach: Each class selects a class representative per term to offer suggestions, discuss matters that arise or to administer surveys. They meet weekly with student leadership (4 school captains) to action possible outcomes. Student Voice and Leadership are also responsible for looking at one section of the AIP each term. They come up with ideas as to how they can have student driven impact on a section of the AIP.
School pride is very important to students at River Gum PS. All students belong to one of the four houses (Orange Dingoes, Blue Tongue Lizards, Purple Parrots and Yellow Cockatoos). The house teams provide our students with an opportunity for some friendly competition in sporting events such as House Athletics, academic events such as Spelling Bee competitions and funs events such as Mario Kart tournaments. At River Gum PS we strongly believe that a strong sense of belonging builds pride in what our students do.
Our Breakfast Club provides an opportunity to not only provide a healthy Breakfast, but to build relationships between students and staff. It also offers a chance for peer interaction and social skill development. We ensure that no child at River Gum Primary School begins their day hungry, offering an opportunity to enhance concentration and learning outcomes. Our Breakfast Club operates five mornings a week.